Hey Friends…
Today’s Mt. Hope Friday email will be a little different. I want to tell you about some important details of where we are with the church, what’s coming next, and what this Sunday after church is all about. I’ll detail these matters in Deeper Thoughts below… But first…. · This Sunday morning is our next to last teaching in our “God’s Game Plan” series. We will look at what the scriptures reveal about what happens and where I go when it’s time to meet the Lord face-to-face. How can I know for sure what will happen? We’ll face the things that might scare us and discover the real joy, hope, and confidence we have in Jesus. Read a bit in advance if you will—the Gospel of John chapter 3. · Then, THIS Sunday after church, 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., we’re gathering everyone for an important “all church business meeting.” More about this in Deeper Thoughts below… but don’t get scared off by the word “business.” We’ll be sharing a lot of exciting and forward-looking things! · Ladies: "Pool and Prayer" on Saturday, August 24, 2024, 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. Join us for swimming, food, a devotional, and prayer! Click here for more info and to RSVP! · Parents—Join us for an important after-church parent’s luncheon on Sunday, August 25, 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. We will explore your ideas and family needs for long-range planning of our kids and family life ministries. We’ll share what’s upcoming this fall and co-create our direction for the future with you. This is a don’t miss event… yummy lunch provided! OK…that’s it today for you email skimmers and those who don’t want to know where Mt. Hope is heading. BUT… Some Deeper Thoughts… Every August we hold a church “business meeting” to make a couple of necessary annual decisions. Our Covenant Partners (traditionally thought of as “church members”) discuss and vote on our upcoming fiscal year budget, appointment of new leaders, receiving of new Covenant Partners, and other important matters. Everyone is welcome at this meeting—you don’t need to be a Covenant Partner to participate. In fact, if you’re not yet a Covenant Partner, you especially should consider attending this Sunday to see what we’re all about! BUT… does the idea of a “business meeting” already put you to sleep? Well… hang on… Here at Mt. Hope, these meetings take on a very different vibe. Joy, laughter, and celebration have always marked these conversations. We have a lot to celebrate. God has been leading people to our church who are finding Jesus, experiencing healing, discovering their identity, and becoming family with us. There is a palpable momentum in what God is doing here, and we have a LOT to be thankful for… and a lot to look forward to. This Sunday, we’ll meet from 11:45 a.m. ‘til about 1:00 (with extra snacks and munchies on hand!). We have some really big stuff to tell you about. It’s about to get real with the potential expansion of our facility. · For the last several months, we have been praying and exploring options to expand the sanctuary at Mt. Hope to accommodate the growth we have experienced and to position ourselves for reaching the next wave of people God wants to send to our church for salvation, healing, breakthroughs, and belonging. · What we heard the Holy Spirit tell us in a “listening prayer” and worship experience many of you participated in back in the spring, plus research and discussions by our Board of Administration, has led us to focus the expansion to a single phase project, expanding the sanctuary towards the brick education building (closing in the courtyard), adding a new foyer and fellowship space out front, and updating the education building, kitchen, and restrooms. · It’s time to take the next step--and start spending significant amounts of money—if we want to continue with what we believe God is doing. This Sunday’s meeting will be a critical moment of discussion and decision. · All are welcome to explore this with us, hear from the Lord, offer your perspectives, and pray boldly with us. Then, we will ask our Covenant Partners to discuss and vote on our next move—which I will detail at the end of this email. · NOW… here’s where it gets real. You’ll see in the details below that between September and January, we must make a major and final decision about proceeding or pausing with this expansion project. That decision will be based on two things: 1) Most importantly, what is the Holy Spirit speaking to us as a congregation? 2) What is the Holy Spirit speaking to each of us individually regarding generosity to help fund the expansion? o We do not want to make this a decision of man. We want to hear from God. o We also do not want to engage in a traditional “capital fundraising campaign” like many churches do to raise the money for this. We want to take a far simpler, more Spirit-led, and less pressured approach. § Call us crazy, but what if we all simply committed to genuinely ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to each of us our role in generosity towards the future of Mt. Hope? “God, what do you want me to do?” And then we trust God that He will supply? o To hear the Holy Spirit as a congregation, we will organize prayer meetings, prayer vigils, private prayer experiences at home, and corporate prayer times at church. We need to inquire of the Lord, just as scripture teaches. § Look for a schedule and plan in September and come pray with us! OK… finally… here’s the detailed ask of our Covenant Partners this Sunday afternoon:
o Blue Line LDD – cost not to exceed $210,000 o Kirk Engineering – cost not to exceed $115,000 o Bowman Consulting - cost not to exceed $17,000 o JTC Consulting - cost not to exceed $12,000 o TOTAL Design Phase costs not to exceed $354,000 · “Section 1” of the design phase of the project will commence during September and last through January, 2025, with the following terms: o Blue Line will provide conceptual drawings and 3-D renderings of the proposed facility expansion at an expense of ~ $25,000 (included in above “not to exceed” numbers). o Kirk Engineering will provide renderings of proposed location of parking lot expansion, sidewalks, construction retention ponds, and other site improvements at an expense of ~$10,000 (included in above “not to exceed” numbers). o Bowman Consulting and JTC Consulting will complete their responsibilities in stewarding this section of the project at their entire “not to exceed” costs. o AT THIS POINT, we will have spent $64,000 of the above $354,000 and WE WILL PAUSE for a “last chance” decision in January by the Covenant Partners for “go/no-go” on the overall expansion project.
· The FY 2024-2025 budget as recommended by the Elders and the Board. · Extension of one more year operating under our current draft by-laws. · Building a columbarium in the graveyard at an expense not to exceed $10,000. · Receiving of 8 new Covenant Partners. I look forward to processing all of this with you on Sunday! Thanks for reading all the details… we’re a family, so let’s have a family meeting!! Much love to all… Chris Eads Mt. Hope Pastor Friend
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