18. Mon, John 2:1-11. What might the Bridegroom have thought when the banquet master praised the wine? How might he have responded when he heard the rest of the story (water to wine)? 19. Tues, Ps 133. A song sung by pilgrims going up to the Temple. What feelings does this song convey? What elements about genuine fellowship with other believers makes you happy? 20. Wed, Ps 133. What do the two pictures found in verses 2 & 3 tell us about God’s blessings? Where does God bestow His blessings? What blessing does God promise? 21. Thur, Gal 3:26-29. Whom does the word all (26, 27 & 28) include? Why does Paul use sons instead of children or sons & daughters (see 29)? What does being an heir mean to you? 22. Fri, Gen 12:1-5. What startling thing happened to Abram? How did he respond? What promise did God make? 23. Sat, Gen 12:1-5; Gal 3:26-29. How did God keep His promise to Abram personally? How many sons did Abram have to have for God to keep His promises? 24. Sun, Gen 12:1-5. How did God’s promises impact & define Abram’s life? What to you are God’s most important promises? How do they impact & define your life?
25. Mon, Gen 12:1-5. How many descendants of Abram did it take to keep God’s promises to all peoples--to you? How does this affect your faith? 26. Tues, Gal 3:26-29. How does God apply the promise made to Abram to you? How is the promise made to Abram enlarged? 27. Wed, Gal 3:26-29. How do these verses affect how you see your fellow believers? How do you see those who are in different social, cultural, economic, or ethnic groups? 28. Thur, Ja 2:8-11. How is Love your neighbor as yourself the royal law? What is James emphasizing when he calls love the royal law? What breaks the royal law? 29. Fri, Ja 2:8-11. What does breaking 1 law make us? Why does God give us His law when none of us can keep it? What does James 1st mention as breaking the law? What forms does favoritism take? 30. Sat, Ja 2:12-13. What law gives freedom? How can the law give us freedom? What principle is given here? How is our being judged related to our behavior? 31. Sun, Ja 2:14-17. What is saving faith? What can be used to see how genuine our faith is? Why use such a visible indicator? How is helping someone related to saving faith?
November 1. Mon, Ja 3:13-16. What characterizes true wisdom? How does this contradict our natural ideas about wisdom? Can you remember any times you thought you were wise, but weren’t? 2. Tues, Ja 3:13-16. What things characterize worldly wisdom? What kinds of attitudes & behavior result from this “wisdom”? 3. Wed, Ja 3:17-18. What are the qualities of God’s wisdom for us? How is it pure? What does peace-loving mean? Does considerate & submissive mean spineless? 4. Thur, Ja 3:17-18. Who are the peacemakers to be? How does peace-making result in a harvest of righteousness? In whom will righteous grow? 5. Fri, 2 Jn 1-3. What are the two main themes of this short letter? What is John referring to as the truth? What does truth have to do with God being present with us? 6. Sat, 2 Jn 1-6. How does John define love? What are we to guard against? How are truth and love related to each other? What does the “walk in” metaphor mean? 7. Sun, 2 Jn 7-11. What threat does John describe here? How are we to meet this threat? What are some threats we see today?