The most important fabric of our church is the multiple small gatherings that happen in homes, casual settings, and gathering places around our community. Groups of individuals and families meet on a consistent basis in organic, relaxed, and authentic settings to “do life” together and to fulfill the greatest purposes of being the church. Our purpose is to grow together in faith by being a safe place to be real, to be loved, and to be transformed. These groups are led by ordinary people in our church who open their homes or facilitate gatherings at the church or in other community settings. These groups focus proactively on engaging in relationship, transparency, conversation, study, and prayer for one another. They do so in relaxed and relational environments where open conversation can flow with ease, and where trust and transparency can flourish. Trust and vulnerability are rooted in the Gospel’s core doctrine of scandalous grace—that all stories, all places in life, all struggles must be met with safety, mercy, support, care, and love—and that in that space, God transforms us into the image of Jesus Christ.
Please consider joining one of these groups any time! Feel free to drop in or reach out to the contact person listed for each group to learn more. There's no pressure to join, but come out and see if one may be for you!
Small Group Experiences
Sunday nights @ 5:30pm Monday and Wednesday nights @ 6:30pm email [email protected] to get connected!