12. We are MORE THAN CONQUERORS through Him who loved us...
11. Overcomers DO NOT THINK LIKE THE WORLD. They are consecrated, faith-filled, and fervently dependent.
10. We need to see "TO THE OTHER SIDE". There is so much more.
9. Overcomers are JUST LIKE US. Both fear and faith.
8. Jesus needs to define our everything. NO JESUS+PLUS.
7. SPIRITUAL AWAKENING is always rooted in confession and repentance.
6. God's plan STAYS HIDDEN. We trust.
5. God has a UNIQUE IDENTITY just for you.
4. GOD WILL FIX IT all, but not yet.
3. There is a COSMIC BATTLE that is way bigger than us.
2. Overcomers must win a FIGHT WITH GOD.
1. WE OVERCOME by the blood of Jesus, the word of our testimony, and not loving our own life.